Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Most Career Points | Highest Ratio | Player of the League
65 | Ian Rawlinson (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
59 | Richie Gray (Whitefields Golf Club) |
59 | Philip Newton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
56 | Fraser Kinninmonth (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
51 | Nick Sweatman (Atherstone Golf Club) |
51 | Mark Willow (Redditch Golf Club) |
49 | Mike Hoult (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
49 | Adam Wallbank (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
48 | Tony Papps (Oakridge Golf Club) |
48 | Chris Bassford (Atherstone Golf Club) |
48 | Dave Adams (Whitefields Golf Club) |
46 | Paul Riches (Whitefields Golf Club) |
43 | Andy Duke (Whitefields Golf Club) |
43 | Adam Edwards (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
43 | Paul Wilcox (Whitefields Golf Club) |
43 | Nigel Whitaker (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
40 | Tony White (Oakridge Golf Club) |
40 | Matt Phillips (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
40 | Mark J Watts (Oakridge Golf Club) |
40 | Bill Leahy (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
40 | Dave Eslick (Coventry Golf Club) |
40 | John Cooke (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
40 | Adam Hopla-Phillips (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
38 | Martyn Walker (Rugby Golf Club) |
38 | Neil Betteridge (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
38 | SCOTT WALKER (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
38 | Ellis Roberts (Whitefields Golf Club) |
38 | Paul Colbourne (Whitefields Golf Club) |
38 | Ady Stock (Whitefields Golf Club) |
35 | Grant Woolaston (Oakridge Golf Club) |
35 | Gary Burdett (Whitefields Golf Club) |
35 | Callum Morrow (Oakridge Golf Club) |
35 | Graham Catt (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
35 | James Shepherd (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
35 | William Felton (Whitefields Golf Club) |
35 | paul ashley (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
33 | Dennis Lawrence (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
32 | Chris Lidzy (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
32 | Robert Jenkins (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
32 | Simon Price (Rugby Golf Club) |
32 | Danny Jordan (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
32 | Ben Hinson (Rugby Golf Club) |
32 | Mark Youson (Atherstone Golf Club) |
32 | Brett Faulconbridge (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
32 | Richard Bush (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
32 | Charlie Price (Rugby Golf Club) |
32 | Chris Davis (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
32 | WAYNE JACQUES (Atherstone Golf Club) |
32 | Eddie Harvey (Atherstone Golf Club) |
30 | Gavin Smith (Oakridge Golf Club) |
30 | Mike Bird (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
30 | Andy Morris (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
30 | Julian Webster (Rugby Golf Club) |
30 | Karl Hall (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
27 | Simon Daysh (Rugby Golf Club) |
27 | Greg Mc Bain (Whitefields Golf Club) |
27 | Mark Young (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
27 | Mark Ridley (Rugby Golf Club) |
27 | IAN ALLINSON (Atherstone Golf Club) |
27 | Jake Day (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
27 | simon walkden (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
27 | Chris Kennedy (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
27 | Matthew Wren (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
27 | Pete Middleton (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
27 | Andy Gall (Whitefields Golf Club) |
27 | Dean Young (Coventry Golf Club) |
27 | Andrew Connolly (Coventry Golf Club) |
25 | ROB BRENNAN (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
24 | Ian West (Oakridge Golf Club) |
24 | Steve Crompton (Coventry Golf Club) |
24 | Barry Pegler (Rugby Golf Club) |
24 | Corey Keeling (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
24 | Jamie Mancini (Oakridge Golf Club) |
24 | Adrian Gracey (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
24 | Martyn Currie (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
24 | Peter Evans (Oakridge Golf Club) |
24 | James Neale (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
24 | Graham Goulden (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
24 | Mason West (Oakridge Golf Club) |
24 | Gareth Hickin (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
24 | Gary Jones (Whitefields Golf Club) |
24 | Sam Price (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
24 | EDDY MURPHY (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | Tim Bull (Coventry Golf Club) |
24 | Dave Shipley (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
24 | Marc Walker (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | Ciaran Tool (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
24 | Martin Reay (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | David Goodwin (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
24 | danny keyte (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | Stuart Spencer (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | James Busby (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
24 | John Richards (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
24 | Chris Lumb (Oakridge Golf Club) |
24 | JOHN BROARDHURST (Atherstone Golf Club) |
24 | Sean Ward (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
24 | Dave King (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
24 | Simon Adkins (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
24 | Josh Wright (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
24 | Brad Read (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
22 | Frank McCook (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
22 | Harry Nicholls (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
19 | Jim Statham (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
19 | Nathan Blick (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
19 | Ralf Berghoff (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
19 | Mark Sanders (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
19 | Andy Sutton (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
19 | Karl Love (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
19 | Richard Beddow (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
19 | Graeme Hay (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
19 | Martyn Hughes (Atherstone Golf Club) |
19 | TOM BOLSTRIDGE (Atherstone Golf Club) |
19 | Nick Finch (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
19 | Loe Matjaszek (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
19 | Jeffrey Gilbert (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
19 | Andy Nicholls (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
19 | Mark Hampton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
19 | Mark Byrd (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
17 | Paul Grao (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
16 | Paul Betambeau (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
16 | Kevin Bennett (Rugby Golf Club) |
16 | Alan Prentice (Whitefields Golf Club) |
16 | Dan Van Stratten (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
16 | Paul Sidwell (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
16 | Jez Bull (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
16 | Cimon Fenton (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
16 | Justin Whiteley (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
16 | Craig Gillespie (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
16 | Adam Land (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
16 | steve mace (Oakridge Golf Club) |
16 | Scott gould (Oakridge Golf Club) |
16 | Mark Wakelin (Rugby Golf Club) |
16 | Craig Pitt (Coventry Golf Club) |
16 | Andy Baughan (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
16 | LES SHEPPARD (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | Jon Sayers (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
16 | David Graham (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
16 | Tom Lewis (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
16 | Andy Davill (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
16 | Paul George (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
16 | A E Stretton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
16 | Steve Hamp (Rugby Golf Club) |
16 | Chris Johnson (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
16 | Robbie Hancocks (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | John Charles Wragg (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
16 | PAUL BUTLER (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | Alistair l Liddle (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
16 | Warren Elliot (Rugby Golf Club) |
16 | Gareth Leyshon (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | Jason Austin (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
16 | Chris Brown (Copsewood Grange Golf Club) |
16 | Lawson Evans (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | LUKE EVANS (Atherstone Golf Club) |
16 | Chris Miller (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
16 | Warrick Laverick (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
14 | alan blick (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
14 | Clive Musgrave (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
14 | Andy Chainey (Coventry Golf Club) |
11 | Karl Rooke (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
11 | Paul Freeman (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
11 | Paul Brazier (Rugby Golf Club) |
11 | Jack Grahame-Dunn (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
11 | Bob Dhammi (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
11 | Mike Burnett (Whitefields Golf Club) |
11 | Liam Reynolds (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
11 | Paul Lovegrove (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
11 | Scouse Wilson (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
11 | Sam Bourne (Rugby Golf Club) |
11 | Ken Baxter (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
11 | Ian Macvarish (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
11 | daniel coles (Atherstone Golf Club) |
11 | William Telfer (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
11 | wally parker (Atherstone Golf Club) |
8 | Mick Hunt (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
8 | Ben Ventor (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
8 | Ian Ridley (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Richard Garbett (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
8 | Andrew Dyson (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
8 | Terry Hodgetts (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
8 | Karl Mason (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
8 | Louie Scota de Perta (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
8 | Stephan Clarke (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
8 | John Hall (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
8 | Tony Lowe (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
8 | Mark Moist (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
8 | martin mcfadden (Oakridge Golf Club) |
8 | Andy Cummings (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Steve Ainley (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Dave Mytton (Atherstone Golf Club) |
8 | Barry Parkes (Oakridge Golf Club) |
8 | Duncan Snook (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Sam Ferris (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
8 | Richard Martin (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
8 | Glenn Sullivan (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Raphael Reith (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
8 | Paul Harvey (Coventry Golf Club) |
8 | Abdool Rohomon (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
8 | David Plant (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Richard Orman (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | John Clifford (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
8 | Dominic Delich (Oakridge Golf Club) |
8 | George Whitehead (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Justin Hardy (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
8 | RICHARD THOMAS (Atherstone Golf Club) |
8 | Austin Plowman (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
8 | Ben Smith (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
8 | Kevin Chapman (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
8 | NIGEL EVANS (Atherstone Golf Club) |
8 | Josh Broadhurst (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Alan Wedgebury (Redditch Golf Club) |
8 | Mark Footman (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
8 | Ray Belcher (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
8 | Ashley Dutton (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
8 | Jack Malone (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Tim Mcintosh (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
8 | Anthony Horton (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
8 | Fin Haynes (Ingon Manor Golf Club) |
8 | Harry Cooper (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
8 | Guy Stevens (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Joel Rabone (Rugby Golf Club) |
8 | Mark Harriman (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | John Rawlings (Atherstone Golf Club) |
8 | John Mayne (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Reece Mosey (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Steve Whitehead (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Keith Mosey (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Jon Arshad (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
8 | Bradley Star (Rugby Golf Club) |
6 | Matthew Fenton (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
6 | Steve Fenton (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
6 | Darren Turner (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
6 | Mike Halliwell (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
3 | Mark Franklin (Oakridge Golf Club) |
3 | Thierry Richards (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
3 | Scott Pryde (Rugby Golf Club) |
3 | Andrew Hughes (Whitefields Golf Club) |
3 | Simon Parsons (Coventry Golf Club) |
3 | Jon Ried (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The)) |
3 | David Miller (Nuneaton Golf Club) |
3 | Iain Lythall (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course) |
3 | Ray O'Brien (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
3 | Chris Hobson (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
3 | Andrew Shaw (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
3 | Eddie Hodgkiss (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
3 | jason phillips (Oakridge Golf Club) |
3 | Garath Williams (Rugby Golf Club) |
3 | Simon Wagg (Rugby Golf Club) |
3 | Ollie Chater (Rugby Golf Club) |
3 | Christopher Smith (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club) |
3 | Stephen Trueman (Henley Golf & Country Club) |
3 | Heath Davies (Stonebridge Golf Centre) |
3 | Maurice Jones (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club) |
3 | Aiden March (Rugby Golf Club) |