
Avon League Admin

Statistics for Avon League 2016

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Most Career Points | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

65Ian Rawlinson (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
59Richie Gray (Whitefields Golf Club)
59Philip Newton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
56Fraser Kinninmonth (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
51Nick Sweatman (Atherstone Golf Club)
51Mark Willow (Redditch Golf Club)
49Mike Hoult (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
49Adam Wallbank (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
48Tony Papps (Oakridge Golf Club)
48Chris Bassford (Atherstone Golf Club)
48Dave Adams (Whitefields Golf Club)
46Paul Riches (Whitefields Golf Club)
43Andy Duke (Whitefields Golf Club)
43Adam Edwards (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
43Paul Wilcox (Whitefields Golf Club)
43Nigel Whitaker (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
40Tony White (Oakridge Golf Club)
40Matt Phillips (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
40Mark J Watts (Oakridge Golf Club)
40Bill Leahy (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
40Dave Eslick (Coventry Golf Club)
40John Cooke (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
40Adam Hopla-Phillips (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
38Martyn Walker (Rugby Golf Club)
38Neil Betteridge (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
38SCOTT WALKER (Nuneaton Golf Club)
38Ellis Roberts (Whitefields Golf Club)
38Paul Colbourne (Whitefields Golf Club)
38Ady Stock (Whitefields Golf Club)
35Grant Woolaston (Oakridge Golf Club)
35Gary Burdett (Whitefields Golf Club)
35Callum Morrow (Oakridge Golf Club)
35Graham Catt (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
35James Shepherd (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
35William Felton (Whitefields Golf Club)
35paul ashley (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
33Dennis Lawrence (Henley Golf & Country Club)
32Chris Lidzy (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
32Robert Jenkins (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
32Simon Price (Rugby Golf Club)
32Danny Jordan (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
32Ben Hinson (Rugby Golf Club)
32Mark Youson (Atherstone Golf Club)
32Brett Faulconbridge (Nuneaton Golf Club)
32Richard Bush (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
32Charlie Price (Rugby Golf Club)
32Chris Davis (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
32WAYNE JACQUES (Atherstone Golf Club)
32Eddie Harvey (Atherstone Golf Club)
30Gavin Smith (Oakridge Golf Club)
30Mike Bird (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
30Andy Morris (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
30Julian Webster (Rugby Golf Club)
30Karl Hall (Nuneaton Golf Club)
27Simon Daysh (Rugby Golf Club)
27Greg Mc Bain (Whitefields Golf Club)
27Mark Young (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
27Mark Ridley (Rugby Golf Club)
27IAN ALLINSON (Atherstone Golf Club)
27Jake Day (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
27simon walkden (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
27Chris Kennedy (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
27Matthew Wren (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
27Pete Middleton (Nuneaton Golf Club)
27Andy Gall (Whitefields Golf Club)
27Dean Young (Coventry Golf Club)
27Andrew Connolly (Coventry Golf Club)
25ROB BRENNAN (Henley Golf & Country Club)
24Ian West (Oakridge Golf Club)
24Steve Crompton (Coventry Golf Club)
24Barry Pegler (Rugby Golf Club)
24Corey Keeling (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
24Jamie Mancini (Oakridge Golf Club)
24Adrian Gracey (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
24Martyn Currie (Nuneaton Golf Club)
24Peter Evans (Oakridge Golf Club)
24James Neale (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
24Graham Goulden (Nuneaton Golf Club)
24Mason West (Oakridge Golf Club)
24Gareth Hickin (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
24Gary Jones (Whitefields Golf Club)
24Sam Price (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
24EDDY MURPHY (Atherstone Golf Club)
24Tim Bull (Coventry Golf Club)
24Dave Shipley (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
24Marc Walker (Atherstone Golf Club)
24Ciaran Tool (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
24Martin Reay (Atherstone Golf Club)
24David Goodwin (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
24danny keyte (Atherstone Golf Club)
24Stuart Spencer (Atherstone Golf Club)
24James Busby (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
24John Richards (Nuneaton Golf Club)
24Chris Lumb (Oakridge Golf Club)
24JOHN BROARDHURST (Atherstone Golf Club)
24Sean Ward (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
24Dave King (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
24Simon Adkins (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
24Josh Wright (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
24Brad Read (Nuneaton Golf Club)
22Frank McCook (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
22Harry Nicholls (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
19Jim Statham (Henley Golf & Country Club)
19Nathan Blick (Henley Golf & Country Club)
19Ralf Berghoff (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
19Mark Sanders (Nuneaton Golf Club)
19Andy Sutton (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
19Karl Love (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
19Richard Beddow (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
19Graeme Hay (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
19Martyn Hughes (Atherstone Golf Club)
19TOM BOLSTRIDGE (Atherstone Golf Club)
19Nick Finch (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
19Loe Matjaszek (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
19Jeffrey Gilbert (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
19Andy Nicholls (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
19Mark Hampton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
19Mark Byrd (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
17Paul Grao (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
16Paul Betambeau (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
16Kevin Bennett (Rugby Golf Club)
16Alan Prentice (Whitefields Golf Club)
16Dan Van Stratten (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
16Paul Sidwell (Nuneaton Golf Club)
16Jez Bull (Nuneaton Golf Club)
16Cimon Fenton (Nuneaton Golf Club)
16Justin Whiteley (Henley Golf & Country Club)
16Craig Gillespie (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
16Adam Land (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
16steve mace (Oakridge Golf Club)
16Scott gould (Oakridge Golf Club)
16Mark Wakelin (Rugby Golf Club)
16Craig Pitt (Coventry Golf Club)
16Andy Baughan (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
16LES SHEPPARD (Atherstone Golf Club)
16Jon Sayers (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
16David Graham (Henley Golf & Country Club)
16Tom Lewis (Nuneaton Golf Club)
16Andy Davill (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
16Paul George (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
16A E Stretton (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
16Steve Hamp (Rugby Golf Club)
16Chris Johnson (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
16Robbie Hancocks (Atherstone Golf Club)
16John Charles Wragg (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
16PAUL BUTLER (Atherstone Golf Club)
16Alistair l Liddle (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
16Warren Elliot (Rugby Golf Club)
16Gareth Leyshon (Atherstone Golf Club)
16Jason Austin (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
16Chris Brown (Copsewood Grange Golf Club)
16Lawson Evans (Atherstone Golf Club)
16LUKE EVANS (Atherstone Golf Club)
16Chris Miller (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
16Warrick Laverick (Nuneaton Golf Club)
14alan blick (Henley Golf & Country Club)
14Clive Musgrave (Nuneaton Golf Club)
14Andy Chainey (Coventry Golf Club)
11Karl Rooke (Henley Golf & Country Club)
11Paul Freeman (Henley Golf & Country Club)
11Paul Brazier (Rugby Golf Club)
11Jack Grahame-Dunn (Nuneaton Golf Club)
11Bob Dhammi (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
11Mike Burnett (Whitefields Golf Club)
11Liam Reynolds (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
11Paul Lovegrove (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
11Scouse Wilson (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
11Sam Bourne (Rugby Golf Club)
11Ken Baxter (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
11Ian Macvarish (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
11daniel coles (Atherstone Golf Club)
11William Telfer (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
11wally parker (Atherstone Golf Club)
8Mick Hunt (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
8Ben Ventor (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
8Ian Ridley (Rugby Golf Club)
8Richard Garbett (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
8Andrew Dyson (Henley Golf & Country Club)
8Terry Hodgetts (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
8Karl Mason (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
8Louie Scota de Perta (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
8Stephan Clarke (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
8John Hall (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
8Tony Lowe (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
8Mark Moist (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
8martin mcfadden (Oakridge Golf Club)
8Andy Cummings (Rugby Golf Club)
8Steve Ainley (Rugby Golf Club)
8Dave Mytton (Atherstone Golf Club)
8Barry Parkes (Oakridge Golf Club)
8Duncan Snook (Rugby Golf Club)
8Sam Ferris (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
8Richard Martin (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
8Glenn Sullivan (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Raphael Reith (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
8Paul Harvey (Coventry Golf Club)
8Abdool Rohomon (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
8David Plant (Rugby Golf Club)
8Richard Orman (Rugby Golf Club)
8John Clifford (Stratford Oaks Golf Club)
8Dominic Delich (Oakridge Golf Club)
8George Whitehead (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Justin Hardy (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
8RICHARD THOMAS (Atherstone Golf Club)
8Austin Plowman (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
8Ben Smith (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
8Kevin Chapman (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
8NIGEL EVANS (Atherstone Golf Club)
8Josh Broadhurst (Rugby Golf Club)
8Alan Wedgebury (Redditch Golf Club)
8Mark Footman (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
8Ray Belcher (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
8Ashley Dutton (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
8Jack Malone (Rugby Golf Club)
8Tim Mcintosh (Henley Golf & Country Club)
8Anthony Horton (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
8Fin Haynes (Ingon Manor Golf Club)
8Harry Cooper (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
8Guy Stevens (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Joel Rabone (Rugby Golf Club)
8Mark Harriman (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8John Rawlings (Atherstone Golf Club)
8John Mayne (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Reece Mosey (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Steve Whitehead (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Keith Mosey (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Jon Arshad (Nuneaton Golf Club)
8Bradley Star (Rugby Golf Club)
6Matthew Fenton (Henley Golf & Country Club)
6Steve Fenton (Henley Golf & Country Club)
6Darren Turner (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
6Mike Halliwell (Nuneaton Golf Club)
3Mark Franklin (Oakridge Golf Club)
3Thierry Richards (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
3Scott Pryde (Rugby Golf Club)
3Andrew Hughes (Whitefields Golf Club)
3Simon Parsons (Coventry Golf Club)
3Jon Ried (Abbey Hotel Golf & Country Club (The))
3David Miller (Nuneaton Golf Club)
3Iain Lythall (Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course)
3Ray O'Brien (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
3Chris Hobson (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
3Andrew Shaw (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
3Eddie Hodgkiss (Henley Golf & Country Club)
3jason phillips (Oakridge Golf Club)
3Garath Williams (Rugby Golf Club)
3Simon Wagg (Rugby Golf Club)
3Ollie Chater (Rugby Golf Club)
3Christopher Smith (The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club)
3Stephen Trueman (Henley Golf & Country Club)
3Heath Davies (Stonebridge Golf Centre)
3Maurice Jones (Stratford Park Hotel & Golf Club)
3Aiden March (Rugby Golf Club)

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